CBD And Pain Management: Is This Supplement Right For You?

By now, you've probably heard the buzz about CBD oil and its purported health benefits. Learn more about the potential effects of CBD on chronic pain management, and get tips on how to incorporate CBD into your life.

Recognize Sources Of Healing Around You

I had just gone through another round of specialized tests for my arthritis symptoms which had been escalating in intensity over the Winter. The results were inconclusive. No clear patterns. No diagnosis. No ready treatments. No answers. The only proof I had was the unrelenting pain

Do I Have To Feel Guilty When I Feel Okay?

When we ache, oh, how we ache! But when we feel half-decent, then what? Do we sit at home and dread the moment in which the chronic pain returns? Or do we run out and catch up on a bit of life and have some fun while the going is good? This is the quandry of living with chronic illness.

Overcoming Big Challenges With Chronic Illness

I really don't like seasonal changes because some kind of house or yard work follows. All these outdoor chores can take a heavy toll on someone with chronic illness. I've been thinking about practical ways

8 Reasons To Be Grateful For Chronic Illness

Who knew I would be grateful for having a chronic illness? Actually I wish I never got sick in the first place, but given that I am, I'm glad it has changed my life in some good ways.

Living With Chronic Pain

Fifty million Americans have pain; chronic pain, lasting six months or longer and 25 million Americans experience short-term pain from injuries or surgeries annually. Women tend to experience daily pain, miss work because of pain and develop conditions that cause chronic pain. If you experience pain with your chronic illness, as most of us do, you may not always want to complain to your physician.

The Coping With Chronic Illness Self-Care Quiz

Is how you think about your self-care consistent with how well you practice it? Take this quiz and find out.

How To Help A Loved One With Chronic Illness

Let me know if there is anything I can do... we often tell a friend who lives with a chronic illness. I've offered this numerous times, but there are very few times someone has actually felt comfortable calling and asking me to help them out.

Athletes And Chronic Pain: How Sports Stars Deal With Pain

Chronic pain is something that most athletes can relate to.Every athlete comes up with their own ways of dealing with chronic pain from injury. Let's have a look at how these sports stars manage their injury and pain on a daily basis.

10 Steps For Healing Well With Chronic Illness

Living and coping with chronic illness can be difficult, especially during the holidays. It often requires stressful changes to your life and the lives of family members closest to you.