How To Help A Loved One With Chronic Illness

Let me know if there is anything I can do... we often tell a friend who lives with a chronic illness. I've offered this numerous times, but there are very few times someone has actually felt comfortable calling and asking me to help them out.

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Holidays: Some Stress Reduction Strategies

For those who don't ordinarily feel stressed under the pressure of events or deadlines, the holidays can still play havoc with our lives. So what can we do? Plan for stress, say the experts, just like you plan ahead for any calamity you want to avoid.

How I Refused To Let Chronic Illness Steal My Dreams

One of the biggest mental traps I fell into after being diagnosed with chronic illness was that life as I knew it was over. There was some truth to this. I was diagnosed with chronic illness about 20 years ago and my life has never been the same. But that doesn't mean I've let go of my hopes and dreams.

I Believe: Faith And Chronic Illness

There are very few things in life you can really count on, but one thing you can count on is you will have trials and adversity in your life. When those trials are physical, it can add unwanted stress to your life, relationships, work and more.

Herbs: To Take Or Not To Take

Herbs and other natural remedies are so popular in our society. Lets look at a few things to make sure what you are taking is safe and the importance of taking control of your own health care.

Seizure-Free : From Epilepsy To Brain Surgery, I Survived And You Can, Too!

In this book excerpt, Leanne Chilton shares her very personal story about battling seizures caused by epilepsy and how surgery was her path to wellness. Surgery isn't for everyone, but in this case it was successful and could inspire someone you know.

CBD And Pain Management: Is This Supplement Right For You?

By now, you've probably heard the buzz about CBD oil and its purported health benefits. Learn more about the potential effects of CBD on chronic pain management, and get tips on how to incorporate CBD into your life.

Coffee And Parkinson’s Disease

Did you know that drinking coffee may prevent the development of Parkinson's Disease? Well actually its the caffeine that plays an important role. A recent study found that caffeine in coffee seems to offer some help.

Growing Through Adversity

It's strange how we get used to living with challenges. We have to expect adversity in our lives. Especially if you have a chronic illness. But we can choose how we respond to it and can grow from it.

The Face Of Chronic Illness: Kelly

It's difficult for people without a chronic illness to understand the challenges involved until it's personalized. Chronic illness can drastically alter your daily routines and chronic pain