An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer
I was an invulnerable 44 year old male with a strong career and seemingly everything under control. Then in October of 2006 I found out how little control I truly had. What I did have was an unexpected diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Letting Go Of The Life You Have Planned
Sometimes that life isn't what we expect and coming to terms with the new reality of life with chronic illness is difficult and can be traumatic. I know it took me several years after my diagnosis before I found an inner acceptance
How HealingWell Started
I had just been diagnosed with a chronic illness a few weeks earlier and felt completely alone. My experience with medical tests, procedures, and getting shuffled from doctor to doctor was absolutely exhausting and terribly frustrating.
Getting Self-Help Online
Over 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I went online and was surprised by the lack of an outlet in which ordinary people like me could share information or find an empathetic ear.
Self – Healing Basics
Through this article I explore some very basic methods that can be used to relieve tension, stress, and depression, as well as sharpen intuition, clear the mind, and increase energy. These methods can be used by anyone to help restore a general sense of well-being.
The Coping With Chronic Illness Self-Care Quiz
Is how you think about your self-care consistent with how well you practice it? Take this quiz and find out.
Coping With The Stress Of Chronic Illness
Stress is a part of everyone's life whether they have a chronic illness or not. Stress happens when changes we are not in control of occur. Having a chronic illness only intensifies the situation.
Living With Chronic Pain
Fifty million Americans have pain; chronic pain, lasting six months or longer and 25 million Americans experience short-term pain from injuries or surgeries annually. Women tend to experience daily pain, miss work because of pain and develop conditions that cause chronic pain. If you experience pain with your chronic illness, as most of us do, you may not always want to complain to your physician.
9 Steps To Help Harness The Healing Power Of Physical Activity
One of the most potent forms of medicine isn't something you can buy at a pharmacy or get at the doctor's office. No one else can give you this medicine or perform its magic for you. It's movement, simple physical activity that can have profound healing effects. And it's something only you can do for yourself.
Herbs: To Take Or Not To Take
Herbs and other natural remedies are so popular in our society. Lets look at a few things to make sure what you are taking is safe and the importance of taking control of your own health care.