Maintaining Balance With Chronic Illness

Life can get out of balance pretty quickly. When you have a chronic illness, that balance can be even more difficult to maintain. It is one more demand upon our limited time and energy.

Migraine Headaches: Triggers And Treatments

Migraines can be triggered by a number of things, including diet, alcohol, swings in sleep, environmental changes, and hormones. Although there is no cure for migraines, treatment is available. Try some simple tips to make healthy choices to a migraine-free lifestyle.

7 Ways To Stay In Control And Reduce Stress While Battling Cancer

Cancer is an overwhelming disease; as much an emotional roller coaster as a frightening physical process. Confusion is a natural by-product of diagnosis.

How To Manage Stress During The Holiday Season

If you struggle with anxiety, the upcoming holidays can cause so much stress that it is near impossible to enjoy the time spent with family and friends. To keep your stress level at a minimum, there are a number of coping strategies that can help you regulate your breathing and feel more in control of your emotions.

Staying Well When Travelling

I like getting away, taking a break from the regular routines and demands of daily life. It doesn't matter if it's a vacation or business travel. The problem is that traveling can sometimes spell disaster for those of us with chronic illness.

The Future of Treating Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood, which can lead to a range of serious complications, including heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations. Currently, there is no cure for diabetes, but there are many treatments available that can help manage the condition and reduce the risk of complications. However, these treatments are not always effective, and many people with diabetes are still looking for better and more effective treatments.

Wherever You Are, Be All There

About finding hope, healing, renewal and redemption despite challenges in life, including chronic illness and other physical challenges.

Do I Have To Feel Guilty When I Feel Okay?

When we ache, oh, how we ache! But when we feel half-decent, then what? Do we sit at home and dread the moment in which the chronic pain returns? Or do we run out and catch up on a bit of life and have some fun while the going is good? This is the quandry of living with chronic illness.

Complementary Therapy For Lupus, Part I

I'll have to admit that Lupus is one of those things that even after studying and researching, I have a hard time understanding. We may think we understand how much it hurts, but unless you have Lupus, you just really can't understand

Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis Pain?

Are you wondering does physical therapy help arthritis pain? If yes, check out this helpful guide with everything you should know.