When Crohn’s Has You Down

"Don't give up and let the world go by you, and I know there are some times that it feels that way. Things will get better." Crohn's Support Editor, Susan Johnson states. Susan explains how people with Crohn's often feel unmotivated and tired on the days that they aren't feeling so well.

The Healing Power Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a set of skills for healing, intuition, insight, calmness, focus, resilience and hope that you can develop to counter the stresses that chronic illness brings with it.

Painsomnia: Getting A Good Night Sleep With Chronic Pain

Sleeping with chronic pain can feel impossible, and poor sleep quality may lead to intensified pain the next day. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve your sleep quality and ultimately your physical and mental health. Learn what medical professionals recommend to help you get a good night's rest.

5 Beneficial Foods You Need In Your Ulcerative Colitis Diet

If changing your diet meant you could help control your ulcerative colitis, would you do it? Learn about 5 foods that could put you back in charge of your health and make you feel better than you have in years.

Woman to Woman: A Handbook For Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

You have breast cancer. Even though you may have heard the statistics, know that one in eight American women will hear those words at some point in her lifetime, you probably never thought it would be you.

Coffee And Parkinson’s Disease

Did you know that drinking coffee may prevent the development of Parkinson's Disease? Well actually its the caffeine that plays an important role. A recent study found that caffeine in coffee seems to offer some help.

Navigating Chronic Illness As A Couple

Chronic illness may have a significant impact on relationships, but two hearts and minds can be marshaled to carry the heavy load. Expert and author, Barbara Kivowitz, shares insights on how deeply health conditions impact relationships and how important those relationships are to eventual recovery and healing.

Looking Beyond The Storms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Too often we focus on the storms that Multiple Sclerosis brings to our lives. The clouds of physical limitations can take over our entire world, our very existence. MS can play mind games with us, resulting in depression, isolation, fear, and anger.

Autoimmune Disease: What Are They And Do I Have One?

In a person with an autoimmune disease, the immune response is "disordered" and cannot tell the difference between foreign cells and body cells. The it produces immunological cells that attack its own cells instead of invaders. These defective antibodies attack the body's cells to such an extent that damage occurs to the body's tissues.