7 Lifestyle Changes a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis Should Make to Help Combat the...

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon and rectum, causing symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. While there is no cure for this condition, making certain lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health. In this article, we will discuss some of the most important lifestyle changes that individuals with ulcerative colitis should consider making.

Living With An Ostomy

When you first meet your Ostomy, say "hello" and make friends he/she will be with you! It is overwhelming the thoughts that enter you mind. Your thinking, is this for me?

More Than Exhausted: Anemia and Crohn’s Disease

When your Crohn's symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, cravings for ice, or lightheadedness, you could be suffering from related anemia. As if the "normal" symptoms of your Crohn's Disease weren't enough. What should you do today to find relief?

Learning to Live With Crohn’s Disease

Living with Crohn's Disease may seem impossible, especially when first diagnosed. While the disease is incurable, the good news is that life can continue on a normal route for most. Treatment that aims to minimize symptoms can make all the difference in the world.

What Foods Trigger a Crohn’s Flareup?

Living with Crohn's disease means understanding what your body can and cannot process. Learn how to help control flare-ups by avoiding certain foods. In some instances, the food you eat may not be the culprit, but knowing what works and doesn't for your body may mean the world in the fight against this painful condition.

November Is Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Month

We know that if you suffer from either of these conditions your struggle is year-round. We are partnering with AwarenessMonthly to provide this informative resource center that gives you immediate access and continual updates to the latest news and information

7 Ways To Support Someone With Crohn’s Or Colitis

If your friend or loved one has Crohn's or colitis, they need support to keep from feeling isolated and alone. Learn more about what you can to do to be empathetic and caring.

Prebiotics And Probiotics: A Simple Guide

Unfortunately, not all gut bacteria are created equal. Some are optimal for your health and are the ones we wish to cultivate. Prebiotics and probiotics are two ways you can improve your digestive health.

Cardinal Rules For Life With Crohn’s Disease

After six years of living with Crohn's Disease, and a year and a half thinking about how the disease has affected my body, mind, and spirit, I wrote a book about living through a year of active disease.

Natural Remedies For Relief From Crohn’s Disease Symptoms

If you suffer from Crohn's Disease and dread the next flare up, try some natural remedies. You may find relief from symptoms and even prevent new flares.