Journey To Self-Care: Behavior And Chronic Illness

The journey to being in the practice of self-care is most effective when we define our values, learn new skills, and internalize behaviors and attitudes that support our best health. Beginning with the end in mind, results are easy to specify, such as weight loss, feel better, fewer sick days, reduce stress, and be healthier for example.

I Believe: Faith And Chronic Illness

There are very few things in life you can really count on, but one thing you can count on is you will have trials and adversity in your life. When those trials are physical, it can add unwanted stress to your life, relationships, work and more.

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Holidays: Some Stress Reduction Strategies

For those who don't ordinarily feel stressed under the pressure of events or deadlines, the holidays can still play havoc with our lives. So what can we do? Plan for stress, say the experts, just like you plan ahead for any calamity you want to avoid.

4 Mobile Apps For Healing And Mindfulness

For someone dealing with chronic illness there are now mobile resources available on demand that didn't exist even a few years ago. So, here are some of my favorite mobile apps.

Get Moving With Chronic Illness

To most people getting fit with chronic illness sounds like an oxymoron. The old me thought that people that were chronically ill simply did not exercise, ever! But experience has taught me that exercise is key

Overcoming Big Challenges With Chronic Illness

I really don't like seasonal changes because some kind of house or yard work follows. All these outdoor chores can take a heavy toll on someone with chronic illness. I've been thinking about practical ways

Don’t Give Up

We all experience those moments of weakness where we give way to the groundswell of emotions arising from our illness or other forms of adversity. It can be so difficult to stay focused on healing well.

Recognize Sources Of Healing Around You

I had just gone through another round of specialized tests for my arthritis symptoms which had been escalating in intensity over the Winter. The results were inconclusive. No clear patterns. No diagnosis. No ready treatments. No answers. The only proof I had was the unrelenting pain

9 Ways Mindfulness Helped Me Heal With Chronic Illness

Mindfulness was not a term I was familiar with when I was diagnosed with chronic illness 17 years ago. Looking back, I wish I had known more about how to practice it in my life. It would have saved me a lot of worry

3 Sacrifices I Refuse To Make With Chronic Illness

If you have a chronic illness, you know a little something about sacrifice. Because of my chronic illness, I've learned to make a lot of sacrifices. I used to love mountain biking. But I had to give it up.