How I Refused To Let Chronic Illness Steal My Dreams

One of the biggest mental traps I fell into after being diagnosed with chronic illness was that life as I knew it was over. There was some truth to this. I was diagnosed with chronic illness about 20 years ago and my life has never been the same. But that doesn't mean I've let go of my hopes and dreams.

6 Reasons To Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional healing method involving the insertion of needles into certain acupoints in the body. Practiced for a few thousand years, acupuncture has spread all over the world.

Athletes And Chronic Pain: How Sports Stars Deal With Pain

Chronic pain is something that most athletes can relate to.Every athlete comes up with their own ways of dealing with chronic pain from injury. Let's have a look at how these sports stars manage their injury and pain on a daily basis.

Why Support From Family And Friends Can Make A Difference

How much support do you receive from the people that matter most in your life? I have been blessed with a very supportive family and friends that may not always understand all aspects to being chronically ill, but accept me.

Journey To Self-Care: Behavior And Chronic Illness

The journey to being in the practice of self-care is most effective when we define our values, learn new skills, and internalize behaviors and attitudes that support our best health. Beginning with the end in mind, results are easy to specify, such as weight loss, feel better, fewer sick days, reduce stress, and be healthier for example.

9 Ways Mindfulness Helped Me Heal With Chronic Illness

Mindfulness was not a term I was familiar with when I was diagnosed with chronic illness 17 years ago. Looking back, I wish I had known more about how to practice it in my life. It would have saved me a lot of worry

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Holidays: Some Stress Reduction Strategies

For those who don't ordinarily feel stressed under the pressure of events or deadlines, the holidays can still play havoc with our lives. So what can we do? Plan for stress, say the experts, just like you plan ahead for any calamity you want to avoid.

We Are All Connected

The story is about Lance Richardson who struggled most of his adult life with Crohn's Disease. He describes the demands that his chronic illness placed on his young family, a lot of which I can easily relate to.

Becoming More Resilient In The Face Of Chronic Illness

I've always wondered why some people seem to be able to bounce back more quickly from personal challenges, illnesses, disappointments, tragedies, etc. better than others. On the surface it seems that some people are just born

How HealingWell Started

I had just been diagnosed with a chronic illness a few weeks earlier and felt completely alone. My experience with medical tests, procedures, and getting shuffled from doctor to doctor was absolutely exhausting and terribly frustrating.