Understanding the Link Between Depression and Physical Health

Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, including physical health. While depression is primarily characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities, its effects extend beyond emotional well-being.

Side Effects Of Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment

Radiation treatment is often the first therapy in treating prostate cancer. It may be used throughout treatment if the cancer recurs or spreads. There are several side effects from radiation treatment for prostate cancer you need to know.

Positive For Prostate Cancer

Last December I got the call that no one wants. The biopsy came back positive for prostate cancer. My world caved in. My brain shut down and my emotions ran to fear and depression.

An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer

I was an invulnerable 44 year old male with a strong career and seemingly everything under control. Then in October of 2006 I found out how little control I truly had. What I did have was an unexpected diagnosis of prostate cancer.