Staying Well When Travelling
I like getting away, taking a break from the regular routines and demands of daily life. It doesn't matter if it's a vacation or business travel. The problem is that traveling can sometimes spell disaster for those of us with chronic illness.
My Journey To Fitness With Chronic Illness
Everyone knows exercise is important to living long and healthy life. But if you have a chronic illness exercise can be more complicated than putting on a pair of running shoes and hitting your favorite trail.
Review: Romance And Illness In “Love Simple”
Chronic illness isn't portrayed often in movies, or at all really. I suspect there are a couple of reasons for this. Whenever a book or film portrays real challenges like chronic illness,
Helping Others With Chronic Illness
Among those with chronic illness there are many people that selflessly reach out, lift, inspire and heal. They are humble and empathetic, caring and understanding.
Maintaining Balance With Chronic Illness
Life can get out of balance pretty quickly. When you have a chronic illness, that balance can be even more difficult to maintain. It is one more demand upon our limited time and energy.
Getting Sick When You’re Sick
Not much about chronic illness surprises me anymore. But there is one thing that happens that always seems to catch me off guard. Getting sick.
Why Support From Family And Friends Can Make A Difference
How much support do you receive from the people that matter most in your life? I have been blessed with a very supportive family and friends that may not always understand all aspects to being chronically ill, but accept me.
Growing Through Adversity
It's strange how we get used to living with challenges. We have to expect adversity in our lives. Especially if you have a chronic illness. But we can choose how we respond to it and can grow from it.
Too Young for Chronic Illness: An Interview With Laurie Edwards
Laurie Edwards blogs on "A Chronic Dose". She is a gifted writer and has a unique take on living with chronic illness. Her recent book, "Life Disrupted: Getting Real About Chronic Illness in Your Twenties and Thirties",
Becoming More Resilient In The Face Of Chronic Illness
I've always wondered why some people seem to be able to bounce back more quickly from personal challenges, illnesses, disappointments, tragedies, etc. better than others. On the surface it seems that some people are just born