The Realm Of Mental Illness

Mental illness covers a wide range of disorders. This article will identify and explore the realm of major mental illness.

Chronic Pain In Lupus

Perception of pain is as individual as each person. What works for one person may not work for another, especially if you have Lupus.

Lupus: Intro To A Disease You May Not Recognize

Lupus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed disease in the history of medicine. It has been called The Great Imitator because its symptoms can mimic other, more common diseases and syndromes.

Lupus And Depression During The Holidays

For people with a chronic illness like Lupus, Scleroderma, or Rheumatoid Arthritis, the holidays can be a time of utter loneliness, depression, and even despair.

Learning to Live With Crohn’s Disease

Living with Crohn's Disease may seem impossible, especially when first diagnosed. While the disease is incurable, the good news is that life can continue on a normal route for most. Treatment that aims to minimize symptoms can make all the difference in the world.

How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health

With so many people using social media, there are bound to be some effects on human life which begs the question how does social media affect mental health?

Cardinal Rules For Life With Crohn’s Disease

After six years of living with Crohn's Disease, and a year and a half thinking about how the disease has affected my body, mind, and spirit, I wrote a book about living through a year of active disease.

Medications For Depression

It took nearly an entire century for the medical and psychiatric professions to come around to the obvious: namely that depression is not simply a condition of the mind.

What You Need To Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a mental disorder characterized by annual slumps into depression as the days shorten at the same time every year.

Complementary Therapy For Lupus, Part I

I'll have to admit that Lupus is one of those things that even after studying and researching, I have a hard time understanding. We may think we understand how much it hurts, but unless you have Lupus, you just really can't understand