How To Find The Right Mattress For Your Arthritis
If you struggle with arthritis, chances are you've been to plenty of mattress stores to find the perfect mattress for a better night's sleep. While you will find plenty of advice on choosing the right mattress when you have arthritis, you probably still have questions.
Managing Dementia With Art Therapy
Art therapy has emerged in recent years as a treatment for Alzheimer's and dementia patients. It is not as effective as medicine, but when used in conjunction with medicine and other therapy such as music and dance, improvements can be realized in these patients lives.
Migraine Headaches: The Basics
A migraine is a severe headache that causes throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation. It often comes on only one side of the head, and it may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms such as high sensitivity to light and sound, vomiting, and nausea.
Reduce Anxiety Through Your Diet
Over half of people with anxiety will use medication at some point in their lives. The two main categories of anti-anxiety medications come with significant drawbacks. Surprisingly, dietary change is an often overlooked, and less harmful, substitute to medication.
Coping With Holiday Anxiety
The holidays are a celebration: a time for happiness and wonder. Sadly, they sometimes bring their own troubles along for the ride. For some, what should be a wonderful time of year can instead be fraught with anxiety and worry.
Common Signs Of Depression
As with all bad things, depression may never affect you or someone you love. But at least now you are prepared to identify it if it happens, which is good. Depression is very treatable and often curable with the right approach.
What Causes The 5 Most Common Types Of Headaches?
Approximately 1 in 4 households will have an individual that suffers from migraine headaches. However, about 80 percent of adults in America will suffer from a tension headache from time to time. We review the top 5 most common types of headaches and their causes.
New Treatment Offers A Cure For Food Allergies!
If you suffer from food allergies, you know the hassles of avoiding a certain food all too well. You've spent lots of time reading ingredient labels, asking questions when you go out to eat, and being wary of cross-contamination.
9 Tips On Getting Over Fear And Anxiety
Fear and anxiety are something that everyone experiences. Sometimes it can be useful but, fear and anxiety can also disrupt our everyday lives. Here are some tips to help you deal with everyday fears and anxiety.
6 Health Tips For People With Asthma
The number of people suffering from asthma is often underestimated. Anyone suffering from it are more than familiar with this reality. Today we're bringing you six great tips to revolutionize your health.