Multiple Sclerosis: The Silent Partner

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. This disease manifests in the inflammation and damage to the myelin and axons that make up the nerves. What does that mean? Good question.

Telling Your Kids You Have Multiple Sclerosis

Recently a mother asked me how I told my young son about my Multiple Sclerosis. She was very frustrated and upset. Here are some ways to explain your diagnosis to young children.

A Woman’s Touch: Multiple Sclerosis And Femininity

Multiple Sclerosis can ravage a woman's sense of identity. Women with MS battling with fatigue, loss of sensation, and mobility problems, often find themselves loosing their sense of femininity.

Finding A Doctor To Treat Your Multiple Sclerosis

Typically when a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis is given, it means the patient must be under the care of a neurologist. It so important to be happy with the treatment you receive from your doctor.

Multiple Sclerosis: Drug vs. Exercise Therapy

The literature on Multiple Sclerosis tends to focus almost entirely on drug treatment and there is very little on alternative approaches. We pursued one alternative and had remarkable success, and may help others who are dealing with this disease.

Coping With Migraine Pain

Do you suffer from migraines? Did you know there are different types of migraines and different conditions that may trigger them? Certain foods, weather, fatigue and stress can set off migraines in susceptible individuals. To complicate matters, a particular trigger might cause a migraine today, but not next week.

Migraine Headaches: Triggers And Treatments

Migraines can be triggered by a number of things, including diet, alcohol, swings in sleep, environmental changes, and hormones. Although there is no cure for migraines, treatment is available. Try some simple tips to make healthy choices to a migraine-free lifestyle.

Do I Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a common disorder of the intestines that leads to crampy pain, gasiness, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Learn more about symptoms of this disorder and common causes and treatments.

Blood Glucose Monitoring At Home

For millions of Americans with diabetes, regular home testing of blood glucose levels is critical in controlling their disease. Today's glucose monitors are small, easier to use than early ones, and most are reasonably priced.

Sharing Our Stories Of Fibromyalgia

Sometimes just reading another's fibromyalgia story can help us to feel that we aren't crazy or that our pain and fatigue is a psychological condition. Also, even those of us who have lived with this condition for years can find support and comfort in the reading of others' stories.