Care And Feeding On A Crohn’s Diet
Diet with Crohn's disease can be a challenge. In our case, the doctor rattled off a long list of what my husband could never eat again. However, my husband and I have found a long list of foods he can eat. I would like to share what we have learned about shopping, cooking and eating out.
Painsomnia: Getting A Good Night Sleep With Chronic Pain
Sleeping with chronic pain can feel impossible, and poor sleep quality may lead to intensified pain the next day. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve your sleep quality and ultimately your physical and mental health. Learn what medical professionals recommend to help you get a good night's rest.
Athletes And Chronic Pain: How Sports Stars Deal With Pain
Chronic pain is something that most athletes can relate to.Every athlete comes up with their own ways of dealing with chronic pain from injury. Let's have a look at how these sports stars manage their injury and pain on a daily basis.
5 Ways To Cope With Anxiety That Accompanies Chronic Illness
For many people, fear and chronic illness are simultaneous experiences. The stress of having sickness or pain that lingers over a long period of time can add up, causing you to experience anxiety. Fortunately, you do not have to endure this fear alone and can employ several strategies that help.
The 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease: What to Expect
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common conditions to impact the senior community today, and is also one of the most tragic diseases out there. Alzheimer's impacts thinking, language, problem solving abilities, and memory. It can even change a person's personality as it progresses.
Five Myths About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Five Myths include: 1) Everyone will know that I have breast implants 2) Implants must be replaced every 5 to 10 years. 3) I will have to change my lifestyle or activities. 4) A large enough implant will correct droopy breasts. 5) Implants feel unnaturally firm.
Woman to Woman: A Handbook For Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer
You have breast cancer. Even though you may have heard the statistics, know that one in eight American women will hear those words at some point in her lifetime, you probably never thought it would be you.
A New Start: Breast Reconstruction After Cancer
Among the most pressing issues for women who have had mastectomies is breast reconstruction. These women don't simply want to stay alive; they want to live.
Feeling Whole Again After Breast Cancer
Her breast lump was small. So small that Kathi Wilson's first two doctors did not even pursue testing it. They felt the likelihood of cancer at age 32 was very slim. "No one wanted to believe I had cancer at such a young age."
The Truth About Breast Thermography
Breast thermography is a clinical diagnostic procedure which uses highly specialized infra red cameras to measure the heat coming from the body, in this case, the breast.