Looking Beyond The Storms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Too often we focus on the storms that Multiple Sclerosis brings to our lives. The clouds of physical limitations can take over our entire world, our very existence. MS can play mind games with us, resulting in depression, isolation, fear, and anger.

Multiple Sclerosis: The Silent Partner

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. This disease manifests in the inflammation and damage to the myelin and axons that make up the nerves. What does that mean? Good question.

Telling Your Kids You Have Multiple Sclerosis

Recently a mother asked me how I told my young son about my Multiple Sclerosis. She was very frustrated and upset. Here are some ways to explain your diagnosis to young children.

A Woman’s Touch: Multiple Sclerosis And Femininity

Multiple Sclerosis can ravage a woman's sense of identity. Women with MS battling with fatigue, loss of sensation, and mobility problems, often find themselves loosing their sense of femininity.

Finding A Doctor To Treat Your Multiple Sclerosis

Typically when a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis is given, it means the patient must be under the care of a neurologist. It so important to be happy with the treatment you receive from your doctor.

Multiple Sclerosis: Drug vs. Exercise Therapy

The literature on Multiple Sclerosis tends to focus almost entirely on drug treatment and there is very little on alternative approaches. We pursued one alternative and had remarkable success, and may help others who are dealing with this disease.