Chronic Pain In Lupus

Perception of pain is as individual as each person. What works for one person may not work for another, especially if you have Lupus.

Lupus: Intro To A Disease You May Not Recognize

Lupus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed disease in the history of medicine. It has been called The Great Imitator because its symptoms can mimic other, more common diseases and syndromes.

Lupus And Depression During The Holidays

For people with a chronic illness like Lupus, Scleroderma, or Rheumatoid Arthritis, the holidays can be a time of utter loneliness, depression, and even despair.

Complementary Therapy For Lupus, Part I

I'll have to admit that Lupus is one of those things that even after studying and researching, I have a hard time understanding. We may think we understand how much it hurts, but unless you have Lupus, you just really can't understand

Complementary Therapy For Lupus, Part II

Lupus can be accompanied by depression, anxiety, sleep issues, and fatigue. We review natural remedies for these ailments and thereby help you cope better with your Lupus on a daily basis.