The Significance of Nutrition in Achieving Optimal Health

Sometimes that life isn't what we expect and coming to terms with the new reality of life with chronic illness is difficult and can be traumatic. I know it took me several years after my diagnosis before I found an inner acceptance

The Diagnosis, Treatment and the Early Signs of Diseases From Pericardial Effusion

Pericardial effusion is when fluid accumulates in the sac surrounding the heart, known as the pericardium. This fluid buildup can cause pressure on the heart and limit its ability to pump effectively, leading to symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. Early detection and treatment of pericardial effusion are important to prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.

How To Find The Right Mattress For Your Arthritis

If you struggle with arthritis, chances are you've been to plenty of mattress stores to find the perfect mattress for a better night's sleep. While you will find plenty of advice on choosing the right mattress when you have arthritis, you probably still have questions.

Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis Pain?

Are you wondering does physical therapy help arthritis pain? If yes, check out this helpful guide with everything you should know.

Supporting A Spouse With Psoriatic Arthritis

In February of 2008, my husband, David, was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. We'd never heard of Psoriatic Arthritis until that day. I didn't even know how to pronounce it.

4 Ways To Help Loved Ones Cope With Your Illness

We all go through many stages when we are first diagnosed with a chronic illness. My diagnosis was Rheumatoid Arthritis. To some a diagnosis may be a relief after months and years of suffering.

Autoimmune Disease: What Are They And Do I Have One?

In a person with an autoimmune disease, the immune response is "disordered" and cannot tell the difference between foreign cells and body cells. The it produces immunological cells that attack its own cells instead of invaders. These defective antibodies attack the body's cells to such an extent that damage occurs to the body's tissues.