Home Become a Support Forum Moderator

Become a Support Forum Moderator

We Need Your Help!

Are you a caring person that likes helping others? Do you hate it when spam and harrassing posts drive people away from your source of support? The HealingWell.com support group community is a volunteer effort. That’s why we need your help. We need volunteer moderators for our HealingWell forums.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Support Forum Moderator?

  1. Foster a sense of community, caring, and responsiveness. This can be done by getting involved in discussions, responding to posts, and offering support.
  2. Monitor the chronic illness support forums for abusive posts, unauthorized spam or advertisements, copyright infringements, threats, any sort of harrassment, and any other violations of the forum rules.
  3. Participate in the private Support Forum Moderator’s forum. Only current moderator’s have access to this forum. This is the place to post questions, concerns, problems, ask for help, get feedback and input from your fellow mods.
  4. Read the Moderator’s FAQs. This will save yourself and the administrator a lot of time regarding some of the more frequently asked questions that arise. This is a private, read-only forum for moderators only.

Who Are Current Support Forum Moderators?

Check the list of current moderators and the forums they moderate.

How Do I Signup to Become a Moderator?

Once you have familiarized yourself with the forums and have read the forum rules, you are on your way to becoming a moderator. Please do not apply unless you have been participating actively in the forums for at least a month or two.

To apply just follow these steps:

  1. Send your username and the name of the forum you want to moderate
  2. Tell us the reason why you would make a good mod to that forum
  3. Email these to

If your application is approved, the forum administrator will assign your user account moderator permissions and privileges.

Thank You!

Your efforts will not go unnoticed. You will be doing others (and yourself) a great deal of good. You will be helping us build one of the best and most active communitities for people with chronic illness.