Phillip Waite, Ph.D.
5 Ways To Cope With Anxiety That Accompanies Chronic Illness
For many people, fear and chronic illness are simultaneous experiences. The stress of having sickness or pain that lingers over a long period of time can add up, causing you to experience anxiety. Fortunately, you do not have to endure this fear alone and can employ several strategies that help.
Pollen Dispersal And Allergies
I am frequently asked some variation of this question: What is the point of making my own yard into an allergy-free oasis, if pollen from my neighbors will just blow in on me anyhow?
Food Additives And Allergies
Food additives are often a source of controversy and there is a wide spectrum of opinion about their safety. While food additives don't cause an allergic reaction involving the immune system, many people find they have adverse reactions which can be severe.
It’s Springtime! Hello Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies in the spring are due mainly to tree and grass pollen. The pollen of most flowering plants is not airborne, but carried by bees and butterflies, so it usually does not affect people with allergies. Hay fever season arrives in late summer and can last into October.
Dairy Allergies And Intolerance
Cow's milk is a common source of food allergy, especially among children. An adverse reaction to a food can be the result of an allergy or an intolerance.
An Introduction To Allergies
Allergic reactions can be mild, life-threatening, or somewhere in between. While visiting web sites I found that there is disagreement about the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. In fact, there is disagreement as to what an allergy is.
What We Can Do About Indoor Air Contaminants
Most of us are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage our health but we may not know that indoor air pollution might pose a more significant risk to us.
Wherever You Are, Be All There
About finding hope, healing, renewal and redemption despite challenges in life, including chronic illness and other physical challenges.
The Face Of Chronic Illness: Kelly
It's difficult for people without a chronic illness to understand the challenges involved until it's personalized. Chronic illness can drastically alter your daily routines and chronic pain
How I Refused To Let Chronic Illness Steal My Dreams
One of the biggest mental traps I fell into after being diagnosed with chronic illness was that life as I knew it was over. There was some truth to this. I was diagnosed with chronic illness about 20 years ago and my life has never been the same. But that doesn't mean I've let go of my hopes and dreams.