Home Authors Posts by Jacque Parker, R.N.

Jacque Parker, R.N.

Jacque Parker, R.N.

Medical Reviewer

Jacque has been a Registered Nurse for 13 years. Her passion is home health and hospice. She worked for over 10 years as a director of nursing for a home healthcare company, and recently has returned to the field to provide patient care. Jacque loves learning and helping people become the best they can be in health and life. She enjoys traveling, outdoors, and spending time with her three kids and husband.

Hepatitis C: The Silent Epidemic

Most people don't know they have Hepatitis C and there are no symptoms, why should you even be concerned? You should be concerned because while some people have a normal life span without any significant liver damage, others develop irreversible scarring resulting in liver failure or liver cancer.

When Crohn’s Has You Down

"Don't give up and let the world go by you, and I know there are some times that it feels that way. Things will get better." Crohn's Support Editor, Susan Johnson states. Susan explains how people with Crohn's often feel unmotivated and tired on the days that they aren't feeling so well.

Diving With Crohn’s Disease

Crohn's disease can lead to many complications including diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, malabsorption of food and nutritional deficiencies, vomiting and more. Many people with Crohn's disease who have had surgery in the past, still live full and rewarding lives and are still capable of doing many activities including sport diving.

One In Three Will Be Affected by Dementia

Marcell points out that there are many types of dementia, Alzheimer's is just one form, and there is no stopping the progression nor is there a cure.

Book Excerpt: Is It Alzheimer’s?

Perhaps it's your father, your mother, or even your spouse. You've noticed that he or she isn't quite the same as before, and you've started to worry that it may be Alzheimer's Disease.

Seizure-Free : From Epilepsy To Brain Surgery, I Survived And You Can, Too!

In this book excerpt, Leanne Chilton shares her very personal story about battling seizures caused by epilepsy and how surgery was her path to wellness. Surgery isn't for everyone, but in this case it was successful and could inspire someone you know.

The Healing Power Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a set of skills for healing, intuition, insight, calmness, focus, resilience and hope that you can develop to counter the stresses that chronic illness brings with it.

Positive For Prostate Cancer

Last December I got the call that no one wants. The biopsy came back positive for prostate cancer. My world caved in. My brain shut down and my emotions ran to fear and depression.

Sophie’s Story With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One night when I was 12 I experienced a bout of food poisoning that was so severe I never really recovered. Whatever happened to my bowel that day transformed a perfectly normal digestive system into an instrument of torture.

An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer

I was an invulnerable 44 year old male with a strong career and seemingly everything under control. Then in October of 2006 I found out how little control I truly had. What I did have was an unexpected diagnosis of prostate cancer.