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Jacque Parker, R.N.

Jacque Parker, R.N.

Medical Reviewer

Jacque has been a Registered Nurse for 13 years. Her passion is home health and hospice. She worked for over 10 years as a director of nursing for a home healthcare company, and recently has returned to the field to provide patient care. Jacque loves learning and helping people become the best they can be in health and life. She enjoys traveling, outdoors, and spending time with her three kids and husband.

Finding A Doctor To Treat Your Multiple Sclerosis

Typically when a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis is given, it means the patient must be under the care of a neurologist. It so important to be happy with the treatment you receive from your doctor.

Multiple Sclerosis: Drug vs. Exercise Therapy

The literature on Multiple Sclerosis tends to focus almost entirely on drug treatment and there is very little on alternative approaches. We pursued one alternative and had remarkable success, and may help others who are dealing with this disease.

Do I Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a common disorder of the intestines that leads to crampy pain, gasiness, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Learn more about symptoms of this disorder and common causes and treatments.

Sharing Our Stories Of Fibromyalgia

Sometimes just reading another's fibromyalgia story can help us to feel that we aren't crazy or that our pain and fatigue is a psychological condition. Also, even those of us who have lived with this condition for years can find support and comfort in the reading of others' stories.

A Walking Program For Fibromyalgia

There is no cure, but there is one thing that each one of us can do in order to help our symptoms of pain and fatigue, and that is to exercise. That is, if we don't have any other conditions which prevent us from following an exercise program.

Fibromyalgia, Creative Imagery And Healing

Creative visualization can heighten immune functions, lower blood pressure, speed healing, alleviate depression, reduce perception of pain, lower fatigue, increase relaxation, just to name a few.

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease is currently the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and it is estimated that nearly 5 million Americans are currently living with the disease. This explores the epidemic and what the impact of early diagnosis and treatment can have.

The Truth About Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton Pump Inhibitors, or PPIs, are some of the most popular drugs on the market. Designed for preventing heartburn and other stomach and throat issues by reducing stomach acid, they are taken regularly by millions of Americans. Here are the facts about this common class of drugs.

Prebiotics And Probiotics: A Simple Guide

Unfortunately, not all gut bacteria are created equal. Some are optimal for your health and are the ones we wish to cultivate. Prebiotics and probiotics are two ways you can improve your digestive health.

Can Zinc Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

Zinc has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease in two ways. Some reports suggest that too little zinc is a problem. Others that too much zinc is at fault.