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Jacque Parker, R.N.

Jacque Parker, R.N.

Medical Reviewer

Jacque has been a Registered Nurse for 13 years. Her passion is home health and hospice. She worked for over 10 years as a director of nursing for a home healthcare company, and recently has returned to the field to provide patient care. Jacque loves learning and helping people become the best they can be in health and life. She enjoys traveling, outdoors, and spending time with her three kids and husband.

Taking Action Against Fatigue From Ulcerative Colitis And Crohn’s

Fighting fatigue when suffering from Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease feels like an uphill battle. Managing your illness can make handling symptoms easier to handle. Fight back with healthy living and get your energy back!

Natural Remedies For Relief From Crohn’s Disease Symptoms

If you suffer from Crohn's Disease and dread the next flare up, try some natural remedies. You may find relief from symptoms and even prevent new flares.

Learning to Live With Crohn’s Disease

Living with Crohn's Disease may seem impossible, especially when first diagnosed. While the disease is incurable, the good news is that life can continue on a normal route for most. Treatment that aims to minimize symptoms can make all the difference in the world.

How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health

With so many people using social media, there are bound to be some effects on human life which begs the question how does social media affect mental health?

Cardinal Rules For Life With Crohn’s Disease

After six years of living with Crohn's Disease, and a year and a half thinking about how the disease has affected my body, mind, and spirit, I wrote a book about living through a year of active disease.

Medications For Depression

It took nearly an entire century for the medical and psychiatric professions to come around to the obvious: namely that depression is not simply a condition of the mind.

Looking Beyond The Storms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Too often we focus on the storms that Multiple Sclerosis brings to our lives. The clouds of physical limitations can take over our entire world, our very existence. MS can play mind games with us, resulting in depression, isolation, fear, and anger.

Multiple Sclerosis: The Silent Partner

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. This disease manifests in the inflammation and damage to the myelin and axons that make up the nerves. What does that mean? Good question.

Telling Your Kids You Have Multiple Sclerosis

Recently a mother asked me how I told my young son about my Multiple Sclerosis. She was very frustrated and upset. Here are some ways to explain your diagnosis to young children.

A Woman’s Touch: Multiple Sclerosis And Femininity

Multiple Sclerosis can ravage a woman's sense of identity. Women with MS battling with fatigue, loss of sensation, and mobility problems, often find themselves loosing their sense of femininity.