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Beth Hendrickson, RN

Beth Hendrickson, RN

Medical Reviewer

Beth Hendrickson, R.N. has worked as a Registered Nurse for over 19 years. She has worked in many clinical settings throughout her nursing career, mostly focused on women's health. Beth's current interest is working with women and newborns and as a lactation nurse. She loves spending time with her husband and four children.

Five Myths About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Five Myths include: 1) Everyone will know that I have breast implants 2) Implants must be replaced every 5 to 10 years. 3) I will have to change my lifestyle or activities. 4) A large enough implant will correct droopy breasts. 5) Implants feel unnaturally firm.

Woman to Woman: A Handbook For Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

You have breast cancer. Even though you may have heard the statistics, know that one in eight American women will hear those words at some point in her lifetime, you probably never thought it would be you.

A New Start: Breast Reconstruction After Cancer

Among the most pressing issues for women who have had mastectomies is breast reconstruction. These women don't simply want to stay alive; they want to live.

Feeling Whole Again After Breast Cancer

Her breast lump was small. So small that Kathi Wilson's first two doctors did not even pursue testing it. They felt the likelihood of cancer at age 32 was very slim. "No one wanted to believe I had cancer at such a young age."

The Truth About Breast Thermography

Breast thermography is a clinical diagnostic procedure which uses highly specialized infra red cameras to measure the heat coming from the body, in this case, the breast.

Coffee And Parkinson’s Disease

Did you know that drinking coffee may prevent the development of Parkinson's Disease? Well actually its the caffeine that plays an important role. A recent study found that caffeine in coffee seems to offer some help.

4 Ways To Help Loved Ones Cope With Your Illness

We all go through many stages when we are first diagnosed with a chronic illness. My diagnosis was Rheumatoid Arthritis. To some a diagnosis may be a relief after months and years of suffering.

Journey To Self-Care: Behavior And Chronic Illness

The journey to being in the practice of self-care is most effective when we define our values, learn new skills, and internalize behaviors and attitudes that support our best health. Beginning with the end in mind, results are easy to specify, such as weight loss, feel better, fewer sick days, reduce stress, and be healthier for example.

Living With Chronic Pain

Fifty million Americans have pain; chronic pain, lasting six months or longer and 25 million Americans experience short-term pain from injuries or surgeries annually. Women tend to experience daily pain, miss work because of pain and develop conditions that cause chronic pain. If you experience pain with your chronic illness, as most of us do, you may not always want to complain to your physician.

Herbs: To Take Or Not To Take

Herbs and other natural remedies are so popular in our society. Lets look at a few things to make sure what you are taking is safe and the importance of taking control of your own health care.