Home Health Conditions Chronic Illness The Coping With Chronic Illness Self-Care Quiz

The Coping With Chronic Illness Self-Care Quiz

Reviewed by Phillip Waite, Ph.D.

Is how you think about your self-care with chronic illness consistent with how well you practice it?  Take this quiz and find out.

Check only one response for each question.

1. Do you have a collaborative relationship with your doctor and other health care provider/s?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

2. Do you follow your doctor’s treatment plan?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

3. Do you more accept than deny your illness?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

4. Are you satisfied with how you’re coping with it?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

5. Do you accept limitations resulting from your illness?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

6. Have you made any changes to improve the quality of your self-care since you became ill?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

7. Do you let your family members and others know exactly what you need from them?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

8. If you have a support group available to you, do you attend meetings? (If you don’t have a group, answer the question as if you did.)

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

9. Are your relationships with friends and/or coworkers satisfying?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

10. Do you clear your plate of situations that drain your energy?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

11. Do you refrain from negative talk about others?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

12. Do you practice meditation, prayer or other spiritual exercise?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

13. Do you regularly do something that truly rejuvenates you?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

14. Do you have a sense of humor that lets you laugh every day?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

15. Do you take time to spend with friends?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

16. Do you enjoy your own company?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

17. Do you speak truthfully even when your words will not be well received by your partner, or family?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

18. Do you allow yourself to express your anger and frustration appropriately?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

19. Do you have someone to talk with when you feel overwhelmed and sad?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

20. Do you forgive those who hurt you?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

Bonus Question:

21. Do you speak openly and honestly about finances with your spouse, partner and family?

  • Almost always
  • Almost never
  • Sometimes

Score your responses:

Almost always 5 points
Sometimes 3 points
Almost never 1 point

Your points:_________ Bonus points:________ Total Points: ________

Rate Your Self-Care:

96 – 100 Fantastic. You’re a great role model.

90 – 95 Congratulations. You are taking very good care of yourself.

80 – 89 Excellent. You definitely value self-care. Keep up the good work.

70 – 79 Great. You’re absolutely on the right track. Onward and upward.

60 – 69 Very Good! You’re making progress. Now keep on going.

50 – 59 Good. What specific area/s of self-care will you work on to improve?

40 – 49 Ok, but do you think you’re paying enough attention to your care?

30 – 39 Hmmmm……….what’s going on with you?

0 – 29 Yikes! Please see your physician or a mental health professional to do more extreme self-care..

How Did You Do?

Are there any specific questions that prompt you to improve your self-care? What are they? Begin with one question and answer it by creating the steps that will help you to follow through and meet that goal. Then move on to your next goal. Don’t rush. This isn’t a race, so take your time. As you take the specific steps to help you accomplish your self-care goals, you’ll feel better and improve your quality of life.

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Pauline Salvucci, M.A. was a former licensed medical family therapist.


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